Reg Jefferies

After the First World War and after the Second, the War Department sold up surplus equipment. Mules and horses were used in large numbers for transport in France, dragging the stretchers over the battle fields. Chawley Works bought two of these mules and a long wagon used for bringing up troop supplies. These mules were to belong to a "Union" and one "Butcher" Neale was responsible for them and used to drive the mule wagon. One day he had a load of bricks to deliver to Appleton. These had to be unloaded and stacked by hand. This took time, one man working on his own wheeling and stacking. Neale was busy a short distance from the road and when he turned and came back there was the wagon and mules tearing.off down the road back home. It was past five o'clock and these mules never reckoned to work after five o'clock. 'Butcher' gave chase but they were going a brisk trot with bricks still on the wagon. When he caught up it was already in the brick yard. The mules knocked off at 5.00 pm even if Neale did not !

Recorded by Iris Wastie December 1980